Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Far Western Development

          Far Western development region is the smallest development region in Nepal. Its area is 19.5 square kilometer.
 Nine districts of Mahakali and Seti zones includes the development region. Its headquarter is Dipayal. Mahakali and Seti
 are two main rivers of this development region. Main lakes are in the Khaptad of Doti and Surma of Bajhang. Sukla phat
 wildlife reserve and Khaptad natonal park are two main wildlife reservation centres in this development regions.
          According to the cesus of 2058 B.S. total population of this region is 22,01,961 and the density is 112 persons
 per square kilometer. The population density of northern part is less in compare to southern part. Dhangadi, Dipayal,
 Mahendranar are the main industrial area of this region. This region has higher probability for cotton production and
 tourism industry. Peoples in this region are brhaman, chettri, thakuri, tharu, etc. People celebrate their festivals
 and ceremones according to their tradition. It is in the process of development in slow rate.

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